Restaurant ‘O Prego da Peixaria’ in Lisbon pays tribute to the Portuguese steak sandwich, the prego, also a traditional snack in seafood restaurants. Recommendable!
Restaurant ‘O Prego da Peixaria’ Lisbon area Principe Real & wonderful designed wall
Portuguese way of life & artist Gonçalo Mar
The wall, designed by artist Gonçalo Mar, is a humorous re-creation of a well-known image of Marquis of Pombal, an 18th-century Portuguese statesman. The term Pombaline is used to the architectural style adopted in Lisbon after the great earthquake in 1755.
Restaurant ‘O Prego da Peixaria’ Lisbon area Principe Real & sandwich with tuna fish
It looks delicious and it sure is! 🙂 . Burger with grilled tuna fish 13 € (um prego com atum dos Açores), bread (bolo do caco de alfarroba , Carob tree), accompanied with fried sweet potatoes (batada doce) 1.50 €. Glass of white wine: Papa Figos, 4.00 €.
YouTube: traditional bread from the isle of Madeira , bolo do caco, very tasty!
Restaurant ‘O Prego da Peixaria’ Lisbon area Principe Real March 2017: Pedro & Dina
Boeuf de Wagyu (Japanese super-beef) & Marilyn Monroe potatoe chips
2 croquetes 3.80 €, 1 Rissól de Camarão (shrimp) 1.90 €, Pavé (filet) Yuppie Pão 9.50 €, Prato Pavé de boeuf de Wagyu (dish with vegetables and ‘Marilyn Monroe’ potatoe chips) 11.50 €, 2 fried sweet potatoes (batata doce) 3.00 €, 2 glasses of red wine (O Tinto d’ O Prego) 7.00 €.
Why potato chips (wavy, extremely thin and crispy , as indicated on the menu card) à la Mariliyn Monroe? I assume her famous wavy dress? and maybe Marilyn’s ‘potato sack’ dress? 😉
Restaurant ‘O Prego da Peixaria’ Lisbon area Principe Real March 2017
Order a steak sandwich in a fishery??
O Prego da Peixaria litterally means ‘the fishery’s steak sandwich’. It sounds confusing but it has to do with a Portuguese tradition: after enjoying a meal in a seafood restaurant it’s usual to order a steak sandwich, o prego .. litt. nail, referring to the full stomach after eating one, as someone told me.. 😉
Restaurant ‘O Prego da Peixaria’ Lisbon area Principe Real March 2017
Portuguese history & Casas de Pasto (pasture house)
The decor is fantastic! The idea is reviving the atmosphere in the cafes and the old Casas de Pasto.
Old Casa de Pasto ‘pasture house’ in Portugal – around 1920 … Source: Kuentro blogspot
Lisbon people (Lisboetas) once had the curious custom of going to stroll gardens to withdraw from the city to enjoy some pleasure of the countryside, usually on Sundays. They organised family picnics or simply had lunch in de old Casas de Pasto, so called because initially only giving fodder to the animals while the owners were negotiating at the fair. In many of them still retain the rings that held the animals.
With the time the owners of the Casas de Pasto also began to feed the animal owners and so flourished a business that came to give rise to the modern restaurants. Source: folclore de Portugal
Restaurant ‘O Prego da Peixaria’ Lisbon area Principe Real & menu card: with a pencil you can specify which prego or dish you like to order and how: rare, medium or well-done.