Vintage port is made only in exceptional years, must be bottled within 2 years of the harvest date and be 100 % wine from that harvest.
The magic of Vintage Port is different in every phase: as a young wine its captures the useful fruit characters, then after 20 years or more the effects of the slow bottle age integration are revealed and finally, after many decades the spirit dominates the wine. Vintage Port is amazing in all the three phases. A sua Saúde (to your health) !
Napoleão, Rua dos Fanqueiros, 70, Lisbon, world wide delivery.
Famous poster: ‘the kiss’. As the couple leans together for a kiss, playful cupid offers them a glass of Ramos Pinto Port instead. ‘The kiss’ is one of the most recognized wine posters in the world. Founder of this Port House, Adriano Ramos Pinto, strongly believed in promotion both in Portugal and his primary market, Brazil. He backed his product with well-planned sales drive based on artistic advertisements.
Napoleão, Rua dos Fanqueiros, 70, Lisbon, world wide delivery.
The Napoleão wine shops, existing for more than 50 years in Lisbon, are specialised in the best Portuguese wines and Port wines. They can explain you all about the best Vintage years of the 20th Century.
Napoleão, Rua dos Fanqueiros, 70, Lisbon, world wide delivery.
You can taste the Port Wines for free and appreciate an exemplary service.
Napoleão, Rua dos Fanqueiros, 70, Lisbon, world wide delivery.
”Of course, all the vintage years are very good, but some years are exceptional compared with the others”.
Website Napoleão, Rua dos Fanqueiros, 70, Lisbon, world wide delivery.
A new store of the Napoleão family (in the same street). Besides: they also sell Portuguese wines like Vinho Verde, Aguardentes (similar to Cognac, Schnapps or Grappa) and the legendary wild Cherries Liqueur Ginja or Ginjinha. Famous small Ginjinha bar in Lisbon, Rossio
Napoleão, Rua dos Fanqueiros, 70, Lisbon, world wide delivery.
If you wish, you can order via their website.
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