The last few years Tuk-Tuk cars are gaining more popularity among tourists in Lisbon. You see them everywhere in the city: cute little cars, but most of them make a lot of noise and they stink terribly ! 🙁 🙁
Largo Maria da Severa Mouraria Lisbon & an eco-friendly Tuk Tuk
Mouraria is a very old neighborhoud with narrow streets where big tourist buses cannot get through.
UPDATE 2018: Electric charging points will soon be installed in Lisbon and diesel tuk tuks will be banned
🙂 🙂
YouTube Movie Tuk Tuk Tour Lisbon
November 2018: tourist guide Josephine & small problem with a Tuk Tuk car
‘Do you like to Tuk-Tuk with me’ ? Voulez-vous Tuk-Tuk avec moi? 😉 I saw a car with a led display using this text in several languages. These little Tuk Tuk vehicles are most ideal for short trips and sightseeing and capable to drive through the small streets in the ancient historical neighborhoods of Lisbon like Alfama and Mouraria.
Lisbon Square Martim Moniz: lots of tourists are waiting for legendary electric tram 28
Square Martim Moniz : starting point of the legendary old tram 28
Nowadays several owners of Tuk-Tuk cars are trying to persuade you to take a tour (from 45 – 60 euro for one hour), but a ride with ‘elétrico’ tram 28 will also bring you to most tourist attractions of Lisbon….and much cheaper (around 4 euro pp).
Historic area Mouraria Lisbon
Tuk-Tuk cars, origin & polution
The Tuk-Tuk cars often run on diesel and some very old ones are imported from Asia. Auto rickshaws of Southeast Asia started from the knockdown production of the Daihatsu Midget which had been introduced in 1957. There are too many of them in Lisbon 🙁 🙁
Tuk-Tuk cars Lisbon downtown city center & elegant shopping area Rua Garrett
Young enthusiastic drivers & Tuk-Tuk cars
One of the advantages of the tuk-tuk cars in Lisbon is the possibility making trips with young and enthusiastic people, who speak several languages. Most of them are especially trained to talk about the historic sites of Lisbon.
Eco friendly Tuk car in Lisbon, historic area Alfama
Eco (and silent!) Tuk Tours Lisbon
I have no commercial interest but maybe this article helps to make Lisbon cleaner! 😉 😉
Eco friendly Tuk Tour old town Lisbon: narrow streets of Alfama
Interesting article and nice photos. Those tuk-tuks are really everywhere!
I personally thing that, as they are now, it’s just one of the many ways to help tourists destroy Lisbon.
These things are not cute. Along with cruise ships, they are contributing more than anything else to the destruction of this beautiful city. Don’t give them any more publicity.